EVGA 1080 Ti SC2 Gaming price and availability last updated 1523556 minutes ago
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EVGA 1080 Ti SC2 Gaming Hashrate Mining Speed
Have a hashrate for EVGA 1080 Ti SC2 Gaming? Let us know in the comments section
Best Ethash Hashrate Settings for EVGA 1080 Ti SC2 Gaming mining GPU
They are steady on 51-53 mh/s with tdp 63, core +100, mem +600 with EthLargement Pill source
Best Equihash Hashrate Settings for EVGA 1080 Ti SC2 Gaming mining GPU
725 sol/s on Ubuntu with EWBF miner. Set to 100% TDP and uses 250 watts source
Mining in flypool with 3 EVGA 1080 Ti SC2. Roughly 620W for whole rig, reading from power meter. source