Best GPU for Mining 2019

Happy New Year, and welcome to the crazy crypto world of 2019! As the market for cryptocurrencies as a whole heats up, the ability to find the best mining GPU will be what sets your profit above all the rest. Especially in times of a market turn down like we saw through most of 2018, […]

Can I mine Bitcoin with my CPU?

Yes! Yes you can, this is how Bitcoin mining started. However, as time has passed, and new mining hardware called ASICs have been introduced, mining with a CPU is like “an ant fart in a hurricane” (source). Keep reading for details: Can I mine Bitcoin with a CPU? A CPU can make a few hundred […]

GTX 1050 Hashrate

Have you every wondered what sort of mining power can you get, what’s the GTX 1050 Hashrate? As the prices of all the best mining GPUs increase, and available inventory is nowhere to be found, people start looking farther and farther to the extremes to buy mining GPUs for their rig builds. Since there isn’t […]