RTX 2080

Updated April 2024

RTX 2080 Zcash Hashrate

Want the best RTX 2080 for mining Equihash coins like Bitcoin Gold, Zcash, Zencash, and others? We can help - our system calculates hashrate costs for you by fetching price and in-stock data from the top online computer stores.

Best Price Mining GPUs by Price Best Ethash HashrateEthereum, ETC, Ubiq etc Best Equihash HashrateZcash, ZenCash, Bitcoin Gold etc
GPU Top Mining Hashrate Speed $ per Sol/s Best Price from:
GIGABYTE GeForce RTX 2080 Gaming OCbest price and mining hashrate speed 579 mH/s $1.64 Now In Stock at Amazon
ASUS GeForce RTX 2080 OC Editionbest price and mining hashrate speed 710 mH/s $1.20 Now In Stock at Amazon
EVGA GeForce RTX 2080 XC ULTRA GAMINGbest price and mining hashrate speed 715 mH/s $1.22 Now In Stock at Amazon
GIGABYTE GeForce RTX 2080 WINDFORCE OCbest price and mining hashrate speed 767 mH/s $0.00 In Stock at Amazon

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