MSI Gaming GeForce RTX 2070 Armor

MSI Gaming GeForce RTX 2070 Armor

MSI Gaming GeForce RTX 2070 Armor price and availability last updated 1523535 minutes ago

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MSI Gaming GeForce RTX 2070 Armor Hashrate Mining Speed

Have a hashrate for MSI Gaming GeForce RTX 2070 Armor? Let us know in the comments section

Hashrate MHs/second
Top Hash Speed: 43.3 MH/s Ethash
Average Hash Speed: 43.2 MH/s Ethash

Best Ethash Hashrate Settings for MSI Gaming GeForce RTX 2070 Armor mining GPU

Core clock +0, Memory clock +1000, power setting 70%, 43.3 mH/s, 105 watts source

Core clock +0, Memory clock +1000, power setting 74%, 43.3 mH/s, 125 watts source

Core clock +0, Memory clock +1000, power setting 100%, 43 mH/s 165 watts source

4 thoughts on “MSI Gaming GeForce RTX 2070 Armor

  1. Absolutely no doubt if it would be half the price and less. These cards are never going to do break even or in a couple of years. Crypto-mining is a risky business between price volatility and electric consumption. For 1 Ethereum you need about 12 GH/s and that is the point of “leave your fingers from this” because you would need something like 300 cards plus the motherboard plus the power supply plus the rig plus internal electric net investment. If you have to invest 350k USD for one Ethereum a day it will take 180 days in theory of your electric bill and side costs. the moment Eth falls back like it did in 2018 you are broke and homeless.

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